Scripture Reading: Ecc 7:29
Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
Reflections: Although God created man upright, the author of Ecclesiastics observes that despite this, man has sought to distinguish himself by many “inventions”. This submission focuses on the cause of the problems we frequently have with God. Upright is the English translation of the Hebrew word “yâshâr,” which signifies a straight line. It alludes to established standards. The English term “invention” is a translation of the Hebrew word “chishshâbôn”. It denotes something produced with our God-given abilities. Combining the two ideas, we can see that the cause of our problems is our predisposition to create things or engage in behaviours that are directly at odds with God’s standards. Observe the actions you take to enhance your life. Make sure it doesn’t conflict with the Bible’s standards.
Prayer: Dear Lord, let what I do be in line with your standards.
Confession: What I do does not conflict with God’s will.