Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:8
“For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
Reflections: Purpose is the reason for which something exists or is created. It is God’s specific intention for your life—what He designed you to accomplish. From the life of Jesus Christ, we see that He came into the world with a clear purpose: to destroy the works of the devil and redeem humanity. His life, ministry, and death on the cross all aligned with this divine mission. This passage underscores the importance of living a purpose-driven life. Jesus didn’t live aimlessly. Every step He took, every word He spoke, and every miracle He performed was tied to fulfilling His purpose. Similarly, God has placed a unique purpose within each of us, and our fulfillment in life comes from discovering and pursuing it. Finding your purpose involves prayer, self-reflection, and walking in obedience.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for creating me with a unique purpose.
Confession: I am created for a divine purpose.