Scripture Reading: Gen 1:27
So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them
Reflections: God linked the creation of man as male and female to His image. This established the male and female sex distinctions as God-ordained, which mysteriously reflect who God is and provides the foundation for the perfect progression of civilization. From this perspective, any sex distinction engineered and popularised worldwide no doubt, attempts to distort God’s image and His plan for the betterment of civilisatIon. The redefinition of biological sex to include an unlimited number of “genders,” clearly opposes the standards and the image of God. As an image of God, you must stick to your God-ordained biological sex which was determined at birth!
Prayer: Dear Lord, as created in your image, help me subscribe only to my divinely birth determined male or female sex distinction.
Confession: I am created in God’s image. I do not change my God-ordained sex distinction.