Wednesday, 24th January 2024: Learn to harmonize your choices with the will of God!

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 10:23
O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps

Reflections: It is simple for an individual to believe that they have total agency over their life and are capable of making choices that will positively impact their existence on earth. But this way of thinking can cause issues that interfere with your meaningful life. You cannot exist on your own as God’s creation and make decisions without taking God’s will into account. In his supplication to God, Jeremiah highlights this particular subject. He admits that he cannot direct his life or choose his own course. Having this mindset enables you to completely trust God and give your life to Him. You will then be able to harmonise your choices with His will and be showered with His favour.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me to remember that my existence is dependent on you.

Confession: My decision making life is influenced by God.