Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling
Rerflections: Paul wrote to the Philippians, urging them to take their newfound salvation seriously. He advises them to diligently ‘work out’ this salvation. Katergazomai is the Greek term for “work out.” The term consists of two verbs: ‘kata’, which means bringing about a result, and ‘ergazomai’, which means toil to accomplish something. ‘Work out” therefore denotes a mandatory obligation. It connotes the necessity of one’s effort to achieve results. As a result, Paul intends to emphasize to the people that it is their non-negotiable obligation to continue to manifest the newness of their new life in Christ. This statement suggests that in life, we cannot leave certain matters to chance. In such situations, we are intended to persist in our efforts until we achieve and sustain results. Identify whatever demands your ‘working it out’ non-negotiable responsibility in life and keep up with it. This includes your eternal security.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me keep up with non-negotiable responsibilities in life.
Confession: I keep up with my non-negotiable responsibilities in life.