Scripture Reading: Act 2:1
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place
Reflections: One critical thing to note about the day of Pentecost is that the event was premised on the people gathering at one place and with one accord. While ‘one place’ referred to the consistent gathering of the people in one place (upper room, Jerusalem), ‘one accord’ pointed to the unbreakable unity that prevailed among the gatherers. This was key in creating the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to visit and empower them to do new things. This requirement still holds for anybody of Christ to encounter the move of the Holy Spirit. As long as you belong to a church, you must, as a matter of necessity, be consistent with your attendance to church while you support efforts to keep people united in the bond of Christian love. Like the 120 disciples in the upper room, to expect new things to happen in your church, be regular in attending services and support the promotion of unity among members.
Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to respond to the one place, one accord factor.
Confession: I subscribe fully to the one place, one accord factor in my local church.