Scripture Reading: Mark 9:29
And he said unto them; This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Reflections: The disciples of Jesus could not cast the dumb spirit out of the boy. They looked defeated. However, when Jesus arrived, he drove the demon out with just a single command and set the boy free. Knowing that his disciples wondered why they had failed in their mission, He explained matters to them. They needed to have had the power derived from fasting and prayer to deal with the case. He was not talking about on-the-spot fasting. He was referring to having a lifestyle of fasting, which would have produced in them a reservoir of power and authority to deal with issues as they emerged. From this, we can understand that personally building up your spirit through regular or periodic fasting, prepares you to face the future spiritually. Build up your spirit today in preparation for tomorrow!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me prepare myself spiritually for the future!.
Confession: I am spiritually prepared for the future.