Tuesday, 7th December 2021: You must be a sign producer!

Scripture Reading: 1Kings 17:24
And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this, I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in thy mouth is truth.

Reflections: Through prayer, Elijah got the son of the widow raised from the dead. She was so surprised and remarked among others that Elijah was truly ‘a man of God’. This implied that Elijah had produced a sign that confirmed him as a servant of God indeed. If Elijah hadn’t prayed, it was clear that he would have missed the manifestation of his life as a sign producer. Prayer is upheld as one of the vehicles for producing signs and wonders in life. Like Elijah, anytime you move through prayer to do what is out of the ordinary, not only do you get God glorified but your life gets confirmed as God’s vessel for producing signs and wonders. Rise in prayer whenever the occasion demands and be that sign producer! (James 5:17-18). Remember that all of God’s children are undoubtedly meant to be creators of signs and wonders (Isaiah 8:18, Mark 16:17).

Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you that through prayer, I am positioned as a producer of signs and wonders.

Confession: I rise in prayer whenever the occasion demands. I produce signs and wonders.