Tuesday, 29th March 2022: You must prove your repentance by a changed life!

Scripture Reading: Matt 3:28
Bring forth; therefore, fruits meet for repentance

Reflections: John was glad to see people respond to his message of repentance. He baptised each of them as they went through the motion of publicly confessing their sins and affirming their stand to live righteously. As the number of Pharisee converts increased, he felt the need to clarify what it meant to live a repented life. He likened it to a fruit-bearing tree. He pointed out to them that just as a good tree is validated by the fruits it bears, repentance is also proven by a changed life. Confession of sin is therefore a wasted exercise until it is backed by a change in life. Like the Pharisees, turn the words of your confessions into actions. Prove your repentance by a changed life!

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me prove my repented life by a changed life.

Confession: I have not only repented of my sins. I demonstrate a changed life.