Tuesday, 28th May 2024: Desire to study God’s word!

Scripture Reading: 1Peter 2:2
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

Reflections: You can observe a newborn baby reaching out for the mother’s breast to receive breast milk, demonstrating a strong desire to do so. Desire is a potent force. It is a feeling of yearning or anticipation for something. It inspires you with fervour to take action in order to achieve your goals. Apostle Paul reminds the church that every disciple must have a deep longing to study God’s word, similar to a newborn baby’s hunger for breast milk. God’s word is your source of spiritual growth. Consistently engaging with it allows you to strengthen your spiritual foundation and remain steadfast in your faith, unaffected by the influence of incorrect teachings and perspectives. Increase your desire for God’s genuine milk and take action.

Prayer: Oh Lord increase the desire in me to study your word.

Confession: I desire the sincere milk of the word.