Tuesday, 24th May 2022: Faith is more powerful than sight!

Scripture Reading: 2Co 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight

Reflections: The understanding that our sight enables us to walk around and go to places we desire comes without any argument. But to tell us that our natural eyesight is not really what matters in our spiritual development demands an explanation. The word ‘walk’, as used by Paul figuratively in Greek, means to follow a specific course of life or to conduct oneself in a certain way. On the other hand, the word ‘faith’ denotes trust and reliance on what God says. Thus when a Christian walks by faith and not by sight, his daily life is predominantly governed by what God says and not what the world dictates or what is seen by the natural sight. Sight is limited in this instance and the information it provides may conflict with what God says. In the story of the twelve spies, ten of them saw the land’s giants and concluded that the land of Canaan could not be conquered. The other two decided to look at the giants with faith instead of sight and affirmed that the giants were going to be no match for Israel (Number 13). Faith is more powerful than sight! It enables you to walk in agreement with the counsel of God!

Prayer: Oh Lord, help me operate with the eye of faith.

Confession: I walk by faith and not by sight.