Scripture Reading: Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart
Reflections: Soon after Jesus had been born, some shepherds came into the manger to visit Him. They shared the information about how the angel of the Lord had announced the birth of Jesus to them and indicated that He was going to be the Saviour of the world. Mary was so stunned by their story. She ‘kept all that the shepherds had said and pondered them in her heart’. The word ‘ponder’ comes from the Greek word ‘soomballo’ which means ‘to converse mentally with one’s self. This means Mary kept meditating on the information the angels had given the shepherds. This was going to keep her spirit yielded to the word of God and her faith unwaveringly connected to the purpose of God. This is a clear demonstration of how we can get the WORD to gain roots in our lives and to benefit from its power. Like Mary, learn to hold conversations with God’s word anytime you read or hear it preached. Keep conversing with yourself about why Christ was born! Have a Merry Christmas in advance!
Prayer: Oh Lord, help me to meditate on your word.
Confession: I converse with the word of God within myself. I am transformed daily by the WORD.