Scripture Reading: 1Jn 3:18
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and truth
Reflections: It appears that love is often expressed merely in words. It has become an abstract theory we often talk about. This is an anomaly that Apostle John wrote to correct. He maintains that love should not just be communicated in ‘word and tongue’ but in ‘deed’ and ‘truth’. By his submission, John meant to say that love is a way of life, demonstrated through our sincere, loving deeds. This implies that until a demonstration indeed is sincerely exhibited, we have not loved. This is because the Greek word translated as ‘love’ is ‘agape’. It speaks of an unconditional voluntary sacrifice (deed) meted out to another. By its verbal nature, agape always calls for an action from a pure and sincere heart. Besides, Agape is not ‘motivated by superficial appearance, emotional attraction, or sentimental relationship’. Love is in deed and not in words!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me love in deed and not in words
Confession: I love in deed and not in words.