Scripture Reading: Daniel 6:5
Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.
Reflections: The enemies of Daniel failed in their attempt to bring him down. Much as they searched for an occasion to accuse him of the negligence of duty and corruption, Daniel proved to be so trustworthy in discharging his responsibilities that their vendetta proved futile. The only way they realised they could get Daniel faulted was to get his allegiance to God to be at variance with a royal decree. They knew he would never give up on his God, and by holding on to that stance, he would eventually fall into their trap. They were right about Daniel’s loyalty to God. Daniel was not moved at all when they got the king to sign a decree that anyone who prays to any other deity for the next 30 days would be thrown into the lion’s den. In a way, the enemies of Daniel had testified about his steadfast loyalty to God. Like Daniel, your loyalty to God must be impeccable to the extent that your enemies will even acknowledge it. This is what glorifies God!
Prayer: Dear Lord, enable me to stay loyal to you!
Confession: Nothing can get me to compromise on my loyalty to God!