Thursday, 3rd March 2022: Experiencing many corrections and rebukes will make you wise!

Scripture Reading: Prov 29:15
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame

Reflections: As children grow, every effort must be made by parents to ensure they grow into wise and responsible adulthood. One of the ways to do this, according to the writer of Proverbs, is the engagement of the ‘rod and reproof’. This means that the child must constantly be rebuked and corrected whenever they go wrong. This will build in them the ability to make the right judgments in life, a domain of wisdom. Since rebuke and correction remain a pathway to learning, it becomes imperative for both the young and adults to endear themselves to the discipline it brings. No matter your age, don’t be angry whenever you are corrected for something you do wrong. Experiencing many corrections and rebukes will always make you wise!

Prayer: Dear Lord, give me the grace to allow myself to be rebuked and corrected whenever I go wrong.

Confession: I do not get angry whenever I am rebuked and corrected for doing something wrong.