Scripture Reading: Psalm 18:20
A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth, and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
Reflections: The belly and the mouth are generally associated with food. The mouth eats and, in turn, gets the stomach satisfied. The Psalmist, however, submits a dimension of the purpose of the mouth that is often overlooked. He sees the mouth feeding the belly with positive words instead of food. In this regard, he goes further to say that a person will thus be satisfied with what his lips produce. Your mouth is therefore created to make words required to shape your destiny. You must, therefore, carefully choose your words before you speak them out. You carve your future by what you say. Speak all the time positively while you act on it!
Prayer: Oh Lord, let the words spoken by my mouth be influenced by your Spirit all the time.
Confession: I speak positively over my life.