Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:1
The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham
Reflections: The book of Matthew begins with an introduction to the lineage of Jesus Christ, focusing on two personalities of his ancestry- David and Abraham. There is a message that this seeks to convey. Both men (David and Abraham) received a promise from God backed by an oath that a seed out of their loins will be born who will rule and reign forever. This promise was held unbroken, travelling through many years of their ancestry until it saw fulfilment with the birth of Jesus Christ (Gal 3:16, Acts 22:9-36). What a message! When God promises, he does not break it! Matthew 1:1 introduces us to a God who is not a promise-breaker! This is the one you can trust and depend on!
Prayer: Dear Lord, you are so unique. You don’t break your promises!
Confession: My God is not a promise-breaker! I depend only on him!