Scripture Reading: Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Reflections: Barak, king of Moab, resolved to curse the Israelites out of envy. He enlisted the services of the prophet Balaam to carry out this act. Balaam’s first attempt was unsuccessful. God moved him to instead bless the people of Israel. Barrak, filled with wrath, incited Balaam to try again. However, this second endeavor was also unsuccessful. Balaam informed Barak that his inability to curse Israel was a result of God’s unbreakable promise to protect and prosper Israel. Regarding his promises, he informed Barak that God could neither lie nor alter his mind. The submission of Balaam illustrates the faithfulness of God. The Hebrew word ‘aman’ translated as faithfulness refers to that aspect of God that cannot cause him to deceive or change his word. In your relationship with God, you can rest assured that He will never lie to you or change his word. Keep trusting Him!
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness towards me.
Confession: God is faithful.