Scripture Reading: 1 kings 18:42
So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel, cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees.
Reflections: Israel had suffered drought for so long. Elijah was set to open the heavens up for rains. As king Ahab ate, Elisha rushed up to Mount Carmel. This was a clear contrast. Elijah could not be bothered about eating. His life could never be separated from this prayer location of his. No one could disturb him while he was there. His ability to focus and to spend more time with God received a boost anytime he was on this mountain. This always culminated in increased divine empowerment for his life. As he knelt and prayed intensively for a while, the clouds got filled up with rain, and soon the showers began to fall. Identifying and using your own ‘Mount Carmel’ will boost your prayer life and launch you into a life of extraordinary miracles. Like Elijah, your life should not be separated from your ‘ Mount Carmel’. Stay connected to a place of prayer and remain prayerful!
Prayer: Oh Lord, help me to keep connected to a place of prayer!
Confession: I will always have a ‘Mount Carmel’ in my life!