Scripture Reading: Psalm 92:13
Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
Reflections: The Psalmist likens the life of a righteous person to that of a palm tree that flourishes with strength and long-lasting fruit bearing ability. He indicates that this occurs because the righteous person gets planted in the house of the Lord. The word ‘planted’ is translated from the Hebrew word ‘shâthal’, which means to ‘transplant’. Transplanting is the ‘process of moving a fully germinated seedling (or mature plant)and replanting it in a permanent location for the growing season. Transplanting is noted to prolong the flowering or fruit-bearing season of many plants. Righteous living thus causes you to be spiritually transplanted into a supernatural place (environment) which enables you to enjoy endless strength and uncommon and ceaseless blessings! Righteousness is your means of transport into the realm of irresistible force and unusual benefits! Don’t trade it for anything!
Prayer: Oh Lord, I thank you for the irresistible strength and ceaseless uncommon blessing produced in me by righteous living.
Confession: I am transported into the realm of irresistible strength and uncommon blessings by righteous living.