Scripture Reading: Prov 14:26
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge
Reflections: The book of Proverbs highlights the connection between the fear of the Lord and divine protection. It explains that when we fear the Lord, we invite divine protection that extends to our families and gives us the confidence to face life. This is evident in the story of Job, where Satan acknowledged that a hedge of divine protection protected Job because he feared the Lord (Job 1:9-10). To fear the Lord means to have a deep reverence, respect, and awe for Him, to the point where we desire to obey and please Him always. For instance, it was out of the fear of the Lord that Abraham proceeded to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. Likewise it was out of the fear of the Lord that Joseph refused the sexual advances of Portiphar’s wife. When we demonstrate such unwavering fear of the Lord, we provoke divine protection.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me have a deep-seated respect and reverential awe towards you.
Confession: I walk in the fear of the Lord.