Scripture Reading:1Ti 4:13 Till I come, attend to reading, exhortation, and doctrine.
Reflections: Timothy was admonished as a young pastor to involve himself continously in three critical things-reading, exhortation and doctrine continuously. Reading refers to the studying of scripture (2Tim 2:15). Exhortation speaks of inspiring somebody based on the word of God to take action (Luke 3:18). Doctrine refers to standards and beliefs revealed in scriptures that govern our relationship with God (John 7:17). Interestingly, exhortation and doctrine are derived from the reading of scriptures which enables you to live a life that pleases God. Abandoning or downplaying the daily task of scripture will therefore rob you of the ability and drive to live a life that pleases God. Keep glued to the scriptures!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me live a life that pleases you.
Confession: I give attention to reading, exhortation and doctrine. I live a life that pleases God.