Scripture Reading: Luke 1: 80
And the child grew, waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel.
Reflections: Before John’s birth, a prophecy was made about him. The prophecy stated that he would become a renowned prophet who would prepare people’s hearts for salvation. As he grew up, John chose to live in the desert and hide until the time came to fulfil his prophetic destiny publicly. During this time, he developed the spiritual strength necessary for his prophetic ministry by committing himself to a season of preparation. This approach helped him to grow and flourish in his ministry and ultimately fulfil his life’s goal. John’s example teaches us an important lesson: do not rush to achieve your goals. Instead, take the time to prepare, increase your spiritual strength, build your skills, grow your knowledge, and develop winning strategies. Remember, preparation always precedes success!
Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me prepare well for my assigned tasks before I execute them.
Confession: I get prepared before I execute an assignment