Scripture Reading: Genesis 48:15
“And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day.”
Reflections: As Jacob blessed Joseph, he recognized God’s enduring faithfulness throughout his life. He referred to God as the One who had “fed” him all his days. The Hebrew word for “fed” (râ‛âh) carries a deeper meaning, portraying God as a Shepherd who tends, nourishes, and protects His flock. Jacob wasn’t just acknowledging God as a Creator, but as his Shepherd—a constant, personal guide who cared for him in every season of life. Just as a shepherd watches over their sheep with tender care, God had led, sustained, and protected Jacob through trials, uncertainties, and blessings. Like Jacob, you can look back and see God’s faithful hand guiding you through your own journey and rest assured that your future will continue to enjoy His care and provision. You must trust the faithful shepherd of your life!
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your care and provision i enjoy.
Confession: The Lord is my Shepherd; I trust Him.