Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them
Reflections: Coming together as the children of God to, among others, pray, worship or hear the word preached is a critical component of spiritual growth and blessing. However, the mere gathering in His name remains meaningless and unprofitable until it bears the element of unity. Togetherness is what speaks of unity. Jesus points this out clearly to his disciples when he unequivocally told them His Spirit will only be present in their gathering when they are together. So, much as there has to be a gathering, there must also be a togetherness. A classical example of this is the event of Pentecost where the disciples ‘were all with one accord in one place’ which ushered in a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1). Earnestly fight for the unity of the body of Christ you belong to rather than promote or condone hatred, strife and divisiveness. Be the reason why the Spirit of Christ will be in manifestation in your church gathering.
Prayer: Dear Lord, empower me to fight for the unity of the church.
Confession: I am the reason why the Spirit of Christ manifests in our church meetings. I promote unity.