Monday, 12th September 2022: Get to know God more deeply and intimately!

Scripture Reading: 2 Tim 1:12
For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he can keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Reflections: Suffering has a way of getting us discouraged in the pursuit of our faith walk. Paul, however, shows us how we can sour above despondency amid trials. He points out that this is linked to the level of our knowledge and understanding of who God is. His statement, ‘ I know whom I have believed,’ explains everything. The story of the 3 Hebrew boys in their response to King Nebuchadnezzar when they were asked to deny their faith or face the fiery furnace helps to explain Paul’s statement. These boys chose to die even if God would not deliver them (Dan3:16-18). How outstanding! They ‘knew whom they had believed’. Suffering could not move them to denounce their faith. Get to know God more deeply and intimately. It’s your key to withstanding the attack on your faith unleashed by suffering.

Prayer: Dear Lord, let me know more about you, so I will be resolute in holding on to who and what I know you to be no matter what happens.

Confession: I know whom I have believed.