Monday, 12th August 2024: Your enemies will testify that they cannot match the power of God!

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:32
Also, take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also.

Reflections: The people of Israel went through a long period of suffering while they were enslaved in Egypt. They prayed for help, and God sent Moses to assist them. Moses asked the Pharaoh to release the Israelites as God had instructed. Despite many warnings, Pharaoh remained stubborn and refused to listen. He disregarded God’s guidance, so God took action. He brought about the death of every firstborn male child and animal in Egypt, except for those among the Israelites. When Pharaoh saw the extent of the tragedy, he relented and urged Moses and the Israelites to leave, admitting that he could not match the power of God. Just as God intervened for the Israelites, He will also help you overcome your challenges. Your enemies will admit that they cannot match the power of God.

Prayer: Oh Lord, arise and let my enemies testify that they cannot match your power!

Confession: God will prove he has the final say.