Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastics 7:5
It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to listen to the song of fools.
Reflections: Solomon draws our attention to what he describes as the ‘rebuke of the wise and the ‘song of fools’. He concludes that one is better off with the ‘rebuke of the wise’. To rebuke is to express sharp disapproval or criticism of the wrong actions of people. In this regard, those who criticise the inappropriate actions of others are noted to be wise. The song of fools, on the other hand, refers to the response given by people towards the actions of others which fails to reprove them for what is wrong and unwarranted. While the rebuke of the wise will help you review and amend your acts so that your future will be secured, the song of fools will keep you blind to such measures and invariably urge you on with what is not right until you get into trouble unexpectedly. King Rehoboam, for instance, listened to the songs of fools and lost his kingship at a time he least expected (1Kings 12:6-17). It is better to be criticised by a wise person than to be praised by a fool!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to accept the criticism of a wise person rather than the praise of a fool.
Confession: I discern and refuse the praise of fools!