Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:11
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Reflections: The psalmist’s words, ‘ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee,’ is by far one of the most favourite scriptures of people. The Hebrew word ‘tsafan’ translated ‘hid’ means ‘to store up’. Figuratively, it also means ‘to deny’. When applied in the sense as used by the Psalmist, it lays bare the secret to overcoming conscious sin in your life. As you store up the word of God in your spirit and mind through Bible study and reading and listening to undiluted word-based sermons, it produces a powerful, irresistible urge in you to deny the access of sin into your life. How many words you store up and your willingness to do what it says will determine your success over the power of conscious sin. Jesus is a perfect example. He overcame the access of sin into his life by the stored-up word in him. (Matt 4:1-11). The stored up word in you is your power to deny sin’s access into your life!
Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me store your word in my spirit.
Confession: I store up God”sword in my spirit. His word empowers me.