Friday, 25th November 2022: You must hear the joyful sound!

Scripture Reading: Psalm 89:15
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.

Reflections: The people who know the ‘joyful sound’ according to the Psalmist will be blessed. Translated from the Hebrew word ‘terû‛âh’, the ‘joyful sound’ among others is the battle sound of victory. Such sounds are only made when the war is won. However, by the submission of the Psalmist, those who are in covenant with God must discern this sound before they go to battle. This implies that as God’s children, we go to war knowing that victory is assured. This insight is required to urge an embattled child of God on despite any odds until success is chalked. Without discerning and acknowledging the joyful sound, you cannot be blessed with victories.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the joyful sound.

Confession: I know and believe in the joyful sound.