Friday, 21st October 2022: Forbearance is divine!

Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:13
Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man has a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so do ye.

Reflections: Paul exhorts the Colossians to be forbearing towards one another and, in that process, always forgive each other. The Greek word translated as ‘forbearing’ is ‘anechomai”, which means to “tolerate” or “suffer without resentment. It indicates having patience towards someone who offends you till the provocation is passed. In living with others, their actions at one point or the other will inevitably irritate you. However the Spirit of God, as long as you will allow Him, will fill you with grace that enables you to make the required allowance (tolerance) for their faults and failures. We can easily forgive, forget, and keep up the bond of love and unity because we can make room to contain the mistakes and flaws of others. Forbearance is divine.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help me create room for the faults and failures of others so I can always forgive them.

Confession: I forgive others.