Application for Church Membership (This information will be kept confidential) Your Full Name (required) Address Telephone No Home: Work: E-mail address Marital status: SingleMarriedDivorce/ SeparatedWidow/ Widower Profession/Occupation Place of work Name of the previous church that you were attending (if any) Your Testimony of Salvation When were you be baptized(by immersion)? Previous Church involvement Do you know your Spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit? YesNo If yes, what are those? How do you want to be involved in the Church? Children ministryPrayer MinistryYouth ministryEvangelismBible studiesMusic/ChoirOffice helpUsheringFollow up/Visitation Any other Information about yourself and your family Date of Birth Spouse’s Date of birth Date of Wedding Anniversary Name of your Children and Date of Birth Your expectation from the Church (W.OT):